Monday, May 9, 2011

Semester's Over!

Hi, Kids --

If you're behind on your blogs, you'd better run hard!

E-mail me when you've caught up.

It was a good semester.


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hey, Kids, Write Those Blogs!

OK, so I know my students have no reason whatsoever to EVER read this blog.  For one thing, I never add to it.  For another thing, they expect to read their grade from me by e-mail, not this way.

But gee, kids, if you're reading this and haven't done your blog, it's time!!!!!!!

A word to the wise --

Your prof

Friday, January 28, 2011

I told you I was a dinosaur...

Unthinkingly, I posted this as a comment rather than as a blog entry.  That's what I get for being a dinosaur.

Here it is again:

Well, I'm not too busy posting on my blog; I'm too busy reading my students' blogs! I'm pleased they're blogging, but blogging is also part of that great confusion we now call news. It's frustrating that news can come in so many voices and in so many tiny slices. I miss the days of one big pot of news that everyone drew from. I half suspect it will come back, as the self-chosen, self-cooked news is not the community experience that we seem to enjoy. Blogging is like eating a sandwich on the run versus traditional news -- a fine dining experience with many at the table.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Boy, this is tough

My students are having a wicked hard time naming their blogs.  It's almost as hard as naming a baby!  Or harder????

Monday, January 24, 2011

Setting up a blog is not for the dinosaur of heart.

Actually, I have to admit it was pretty easy to set this up.  My students should find it easy, too.  The next hurdle is to get them to feel comfortable finding their own blogging voice.